Sunday, November 21, 2010

Funky plumbing & compression socks.

I'll preface this post with my apologies regarding the discussion of medical conditions on a cycling Blog. I tire of listening to folks who feel the need to discuss their medical conditions (as well as the weather) to anyone who will remotely listen. Unfortunately, it is my turn so you can now call me a hypocrite. Kill me. What I will say if you make it to the bottom of this post is that for me, compression socks work. They may look dorky to the fashionistas out there but I don't care as long as they make my legs feel better.

As you can see, the plumbing in my left leg is a bit messed up. The veins in my legs pop out (especially in the left) and there was difficulty in moving the blood back out of the leg. After diagnosis it was determined to be a result of a compressed vein and the medical condition is referred to as May-Thurner syndrome.

OK, so I recently had surgery to have a stent placed in the left iliac vein followed by several months of anti-coagulants during this upcoming off-season.
I have several different pairs of compression socks although I'm currently digging on the Beaker Concepts socks. (Note, this is not my scrawny leg in the sock photo below).

Beaker Concepts link:

And I believe you can still take an extra 20% off the beaker Concepts Vaso Socks with the coupon code "beaker" so you can save some cheddar for that carbon wheel set you've been drooling over.


Beatthetrain said...


Another one of my hero's Todd Scott used them during the Leadville 100 Run.

Unknown said...

Thanks Andy. Todd Scott is a true competitor. Anybody who can run that course has my undivided endorsement.