Friday, January 18, 2008


As a kid I often wondered why anyone of sound mind would ruin a perfectly good brownie or chocolate chip cookie with the addition on nuts. I often turned down a sweet if I detected a hint of nut lurking beneath the surface. Things change and today I love nuts. All nuts. Although some are better than others. The Meijer brand Peanut Butter is a great deal and simply contains: Peanuts. The Nature Valley Almond Crunch bar is great for packing on rides as it doesn't melt. Bon Appetit.


Anonymous said...

I was getting worried when I read the line about loving nuts.
All nuts no less.
Maybe you could spread some peanut butter on the fish scale

Ali B. said...

Mmmm.. how about Nutella... MY personal favorite "nut" product... and completely terrible for your body! :)