Saturday, April 17, 2010

Last week in review...

Overall, a very good week of training and riding.
Monday started off with a nice recovery ride circling the area North of my place. I followed those up with similar rides on Wednesday and Thursday. Here is a sample of the things I saw along the route:
I saw an impaled pig being roasted.

I saw Edith's store of plenty.

I saw my nemesis, the road grader.

I rode the Poto again.

I saw barb wire.

I saw plastic coconut palms.

I saw Spring flowers.

I saw some wildlife.

I had a Hummer moment.

No races this weekend for me. The Paris-Ancaster 60K and the Yankee Springs Time Trial will have to wait until next year.


Ali B. said...

Excellent birds!! Edith's advertising septic cleaning? Nice!

Unknown said...

Sandhill cranes. Big as a house. They were not too scared of me being there.

Unknown said...

Sandhill cranes. Big as a house. They were not too scared of me being there.

shawna said...

Are those tires on the Hummer Magnum sized?