Friday, July 3, 2009

Utility bikes are cool, aren't they?

I have always enjoyed the idea of a bicycle being used for purposes other than transportation, fitness and speed. When traveling the Alaskan Highway in 1985 I periodically came across touring cyclists who were loaded down to the gills with their BOB trailers and often thought about how cool it would be to try it out. Utility bikes are kinda cool. Unless of course, you are stuck in the mud in Tibet...

Anyway, there is a bike for sale in the apartment complex I am currently living at that has caught my eye.

I try to rationalize how owning this bike would enhance my world. The possibilities are seemingly endless. Cruising the boardwalk or mega-bike-event with iced beer on-board. The reality of owning this behemoth outweigh my irrational impulses. Sure, it would be really cool to have this as a project bike and I can dream of all kinds of cool paint schemes for the cooler box. This "bike" is bigger than my car or apartment and I currently have nowhere to keep it and this may be the final straw in the balance between marriage and bicycles. So sad...
Worksman Cycles

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